My boys are spoiled, as they should be, and get a warm meal twice a day every day. I use Natural Balance Limited Ingredient Plant Powered Vegetarian Recipe dry dog food as the base, and then throw in two or three of these plant foods for added nutrition, flavor, and fiber.
The fruits, veggies, and grains listed are just a sampling of the foods suitable for pups. There’s so much more they can enjoy with you!
A couple of things to remember: Moderation is key, and dogs with special dietary needs may be exceptions. Now, here we go:
Veggies to turbo boost their immunity and digestion
We always have organic squash in the house. Trader Joe’s carries it year-round, but if you prefer to shop for it in season, prime time is May to August.
Carrots can be crunched on raw or cooked lightly in water. Chopped, diced, or sliced, this vegetable promotes healthy eyes, skin, hair, and 💩.
Romeo—the picky one, at left— likes his celery cooked. As for Cruz, Romeo’s lil’ bro, he likes to join me when I’m snacking on cool celery sticks with hummus. If he doesn’t get a little dab of that chickpea dip on each piece, he’ll spit it out in disappointment.
So good, but so stinky!! This fragrant veggie is packed with vitamins—C at the top of the list—and minerals. Adult pups can enjoy it raw, cooked, or steamed.
Small amounts of steamed spinach can provide nutrients like iron, antioxidants, and vitamins A, B, C, and K.
When fully cooked, these itty bitty protein powerhouses can be a hearty addition to the occasional dinner.
Fruits rich in vitamins, fiber, and antioxidants
We are now in Cruz-only territory. Romeo refuses all fruits. The only way I’m getting any banana in that guy is with Trader Joe’s Grain Free Dog Treats with Peanut Butter and Banana. And most of the time he’ll turn up his snooty lil’ nose at those too.
If your pup loves bananas, be careful with the serving size. While they’re high in vitamins C and B6, they’re high in sugar too.
A cool, hydrating treat for hot summer afternoons. Sandía is in season from May through September. Just be sure to remove the seeds and don’t let them eat the rind.
Another immunity booster, apples are high in vitamin C. While Cruz will eat fresh apple slices, I can only sneak some by Romeo when lightly cooked with veggies. The skin is okay but ditch the core and seeds.
Every pawrent should have a can of pure pumpkin tucked away for those crucial moments when their pup has an upset tummy or needs a digestive assist. The high fiber content promotes healthy bowel movements. And because both Romeo and Cruz enjoy it, I’d say most dogs will consider pumpkin a delicious treat.
Like pretty much everything, Cruz loves to share mango with me, fresh-cut or dried. He gets only small bits to avoid too much sugar. No matter. He just wants so desperately to be included. 🖤
Dogs should have only the tastiest, juiciest parts of the pineapple, as the core and rind can be choking hazards. The list of nutrients in pineapple, which can be beneficial for you both, is long. The top three in terms of concentration are vitamin C, fiber, and vitamin B6.
Just a small drizzle of warmed coconut oil over dry dog food takes dinner from boring to mouthwatering. It’s also a common ingredient in simple, homemade dog treats, like this one by Daily Paws.
Do you have a dog who refuses to eat his chewy vitamins too? Try ground flaxseed! It has a nutty taste that even Romeo won’t resist. And it’s rich in fiber, protein, and healthy omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Just like flaxseed, hemp hearts, aka hemp seeds, can provide your dog with omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids to promote healthy skin and reduce joint inflammation.
16. RICE
Both white and brown rice are safe for dogs, including Jasmine and basmati. Each offers different benefits: White rice—because it’s bland, with easy-to-digest carbs, fiber, and starch—can help with loose stool. Brown rice is higher in fiber and thus not a recommended remedy for diarrhea.
Got a picky eater? Try sprinkling a little nooch on your dog’s dinner for added flavor and B vitamins.
Did I miss something that your dog absolutely adores? Please, do tell. We’re always looking to mix things up a little.
Marissa, Romeo, and Cruz
Romeo and Cruz are lucky to have such a thoughtful and healthy selection of treats. It’s great to see that plant-based options can be both nutritious and delicious for our furry friends.