Bowl of popcorn with tickets to the film of your life


People can be motivated to change for more than one reason. When it comes to adopting a plant-based diet or a vegan lifestyle, the following shortlist covers our main bases: animals, human health, planet.

The evidence is undeniable, the arguments irrefutable. Yet still, the final credits will roll, and in an instant it might feel as though you’ve returned to your former self—unphased, and uninspired. But I promise you, a tiny seed will have been planted, a seed that will develop differently for every person. And it doesn’t matter how fast or how slow—it only matters that it grows. 💗

Now, without further ado, here are five of the most controversial, mind-altering pro-vegan documentaries of our time.


This is the one that did it for me, opening my eyes to the dark side of indiscriminate consumer choices. Ironically, if you Google Earthlings—the 2005 in-depth study of humankind’s exploitation of animals—you’ll find it assigned to the genre of horror.

Definition of earthling: one who inhabits the earth

Narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, longtime vegan and animal rights activist, the slap-you-in-the-face-with-the-cold-hard-facts film depicts in uncensored detail how we use our fellow earthlings for five primary economic purposes: pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research.

Of all the films I have ever made, this is the one that gets people talking the most. For every one person who sees Earthlings, they will tell three. —Joaquin Phoenix

I’m gonna be straight up with you… Earthlings is difficult to watch. It will force you to face one of the worst parts of yourself that you may never even have realized existed. You might call that a blessing, or you might call it a curse, but, ultimately, if your life takes on a new level of self-awareness, animals—the true beneficiaries—win.

You can stream Earthlings for free via Nation Earth, the independent production company behind this life-saving, cultural phenomenon.


What the Health didn’ t make the cut because I was particularly enthralled by it (I wasn’t the intended audience anyway). It’s my number two because of the countless times since 2017 acquaintances or total strangers have claimed it drove them to change their eating habits.

The same documentarians behind the award-winning film Cowspiracy took to the streets to investigate and expose “the collusion and corruption in government and big business that is costing us trillions of healthcare dollars, and keeping us sick.” And their hard work has paid off in a big way.

What the Health doubles down on its influencing power with cameos from over a dozen physicians, including the usual suspect Dr. Michael Greger; household names like Steve-O and David Carter, former NFL defensive lineman; and nutritionists, including my personal favorite: Kimberly Snyder, best-selling author of The Beauty Detox Solution—a guide to eating that I absolutely swear by.

Right now, you can catch What the Health on Netflix, free with a subscription, or rent it on Amazon Video.


Alright, this one I love because of its ability to appeal to athletes and the gym-obsessed, particularly men, who are so quick to argue that a plant-based diet would immediately result in deflated muscles. Haven’t they ever heard of a sailor by the name of Popeye?!

Executive produced by heavy-hitters James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan, Lewis Hamilton, Novak Djokovic, and Chris Paul, The Game Changers follows James Wilks, an elite Special Forces trainer and The Ultimate Fighter winner, as he travels the world in search of the optimal diet for human performance.

What does he learn? (By he, I mean we.) More and more world-class athletes are centering their diets around plants rather than meat—with an emphasis on a wide variety of whole foods—and experiencing dramatic improvements in their performance as a result. These athletes are smashing records and stereotypes.

Stream The Game Changers on Netflix or rent it on iTunes, Amazon Video, or YouTube.


Food, Inc. is kinda old school, released in 2008. But I’ve gotta give it credit for helping me change my naive, animal-eating ways. The film has gotten great ratings across the board, so you don’t have to just take my word for it.

If you’re unfamiliar with the grim underworld (not really under but mostly hidden nonetheless) of factory farming, Food, Inc. can be your comprehensive introduction to the industry’s damaging effects on animals, human health, and the planet.

For a list of stream and rent options, check out JustWatch.


Ah, my latest favorite! Seaspiracy, released earlier this year, did a phenomenal job of documenting the corrupt, environmentally un-friendly fishing industry.


  • Fishing has wiped out 90% of the world’s large fish.
  • Fishing is the greatest threat to marine wildlife.
  • 300,000 dolphins, whales, and porpoises are killed by fishing operations per year.
  • Fishing kills 30,000 sharks every hour.
  • 24,000 fishery workers die on the job each year.
  • Widespread forced labor, aka slavery, in the seafood trade is reported in 47 countries.
  • $35 billion in subsidies is given to the fishing industry every year.
  • 70% of macro plastic at sea comes from fishing gear.
  • Longline boats set enough fishing line in one day to wrap the earth 500 times.

Take that, human!

Hats off to Netflix for making this Netflix original documentary available to its 209 million subscription holders! If you’re one of them, please, stream it tonight. To help you get amped up for showtime, check out the official trailer on YouTube.

Only got time for a quickie? I have just the film for you: Motherhood, packing an equally powerful punch in fewer than seven minutes.

Sharing is caring. 💜