Sushi rolls from Sea Ranger Seafood Station in Ventura, CA


BIG ups to Seed Ranger: The Great Vegan Food Station for going from mixed bag to 100% vegan recently. 🙌

I think it’s safe to say that the transformation was driven by the many lovers of plants who placed their kind vote every time they ordered items like the animal-free Golden California Roll over the traditional fish ‘n’ chips. My mom and I alone voted for that damn-tasty cut sushi roll at least 47 times. Yes, it’s that good.


This switch makes Seed Ranger one of five all-vegan spots in Ventura County, joining Hip Vegan, La Jenelle Natural Cafe, Vegiterranean Kitchen, and Vegan Thyme on a mission to take over the world! 🌱

Seed Ranger Golden California Roll
Golden California Roll

Seed Ranger 805 Roll
805 Roll

Seed Ranger Avocado Roll
Avocado Roll

Seed Ranger Alaska Roll
Alaska Roll

Vegan tuna melt and animal style fries
Tuna melt and animal-style fries

Seed Ranger offers wayyy more than ocean-inspired dishes like sushi and fish tacos. Their Cheesecake Factory-sized menu includes burgers and sandwiches and shakes and pancakes and buffalo wings and hot dogs and huevos rancheros and breakfast wraps and animal-style fries—just to name a few.

For you non-Spanish speakers, huevos rancheros, aka ranch-style eggs, are warm, yellow corn tortillas topped with two fried eggs, salsa ranchera, and melted cheese. For you non-Californians, animal-style (derived from the legendary but non-vegan friendly fast food chain In-N-Out Burger) translates to golden, crisp French fries dressed with warm, ooey-gooey cheese, grilled onions, and 1000 Island dressing.

Seed Ranger Soyrizo Breakfast Burrito
Soyrizo Breakfast Burrito

I have SO MUCH to try still, but today, I can stand by the Golden California Roll, Alaska Roll, 805 Roll, Avocado Roll, animal-style fries, and Oreo shake.

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