Yoda Llama


Allow me to tell you a short, sugary-sweet story about Farm Sanctuary and the loveable characters who live there. It starts with a sheep named Hilda, who—unlike the many perm-sporting females of 1986—rocked tight curls that her momma gave her. She was only six months old when she met Gene Bauer that year. I doubt he had a clue as to how dramatic the little lamb’s influence would be on his life.

Motivated by the heartbreaking circumstances of Hilda’s rescue, Gene and fellow Farm Sanctuary co-founder Lorri Houston laid the groundwork for a formidable organization dedicated to rescue, education, and advocacy. Now, between two locations spanning over 300 acres, Farm Sanctuary provides love and shelter to hundreds of animals, including a comedic oddball who goes by the name of Yoda…

I’m not sure if we were a particularly interesting bunch or if Yoda gives his unwavering attention to all his guests. Either way, his quirky expression and penetrating stare had us cracking up. When he’s not people watching, Yoda the llama’s got his eyes on an adorably bashful sheep named Felicity. The two have been lovingly dubbed the “odd couple”: “Yoda is outgoing and charismatic, while Felicity is shy and reserved.” She needed someone to look up to, and Yoda the protector wanted someone to care for.

Felicity was rescued in early 2013, Yoda in early 2014—the duo has been inseparable since. Lucky for us, Farm Sanctuary has captured candid glimpses of the unlikely match. Watch and melt.

Von D Pig

What do pigs nestled safely on a bed of hay dream of? I imagine their minds work much like ours, creating curious collages of the day’s events. And if this is true, then pigs like Von D dream happy dreams. Dreams of companionship, sunny skies, belly rubs, and troughs brimming with whatever it is that makes little piggy mouths water.

Von D’s rescue-versary passed just a week ago on February 18. The day marks four years of sanctuary bliss—four years of life made possible because of a chance encounter between baby Von D and a compassionate visitor to the backyard butcher operation where Von D was born. Thanks to the remarkable twist of fate, Von D is all grown up now. And like any true California girl, she’s spending much of her days lying beneath the golden sun with her best friend, Junip Sydney.

Bruno Cow

Enter Bruno, the perfect star for the month of LOVE. This towering charmer bestows kisses on anyone and everyone within tongue’s reach.

With Bruno weighing in at 2,000 pounds, it’s kinda hard to imagine how small and defenseless this hunk of burning love was at two months old. And yet that’s when he made his death-defying leap (ok, maybe he fell, but I’d like to think it was self-determination that set him free) from a moving truck into oncoming traffic. Picked up by animal control, young Bruno was again at the mercy of humans. Maybe he’s always had a special way of bringing out the best in people, because rather than being shipped off for auction, Bruno was given a safe home at Farm Sanctuary. For 15 years, he has smothered friends and visitors with affection, and he’s definitely not slowing down anytime soon.

Von D, Yoda, and Bruno, along with the nearly 1,000 other rescued animals in Farm Sanctuary’s care, belong to a very special group:

These survivors are ambassadors, representing the billions of farm animals currently in the system. They, and others like them, have changed the hearts and minds of a generation.

The darling, huggable residents of Farm Sanctuary will continue to inspire many. It’s up to us to share their story, urgently and fervently. Want to show them a little love right now? Make a donation to Farm Sanctuary. It just might be the greatest gift money can buy. ❤

If you truly see animals, all animals, as individuals who experience joy, pain, peace, and sorrow; if you value the life they’ve been given; if you take daily steps—big or small—to make this world a little bit kinder for them… From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU.

Sharing is caring. 💜