Last week marked my first anniversary with Mercy For Animals, only one of the most amazing organizations ever, all bias aside! The year flew by, but not without leaving a huge impression on myself and the countless farmed animals whose lives were made better because of MFA’s work.
I had been with my previous company for nearly eight years. As a salesperson, the number one motivating factor had been money. I didn’t always like to admit that, but it was true. There was no real connection to or purpose for my work. And it wasn’t just my job that had me down. I was heartbroken and struggling with a profound sense of failure. Something had to change. Yet without knowing what I wanted, I was unable to move forward.
I don’t remember if there was a certain thought or conversation that triggered a powerful impulse within me. In an instant, the ever-present feelings of frustration and confusion faded into a deep awareness of what I wanted the rest of my life to look like. Millions upon millions of animals are killed by humans every day. For food, for experiment, for sport, for fashion…the list goes on. I needed to be part of the solution. No matter how much financial security it offered, spending 50-60 hours a week selling office products simply wasn’t part of the equation. So I quit. My family worried for me, believing I had made a rash decision. I, on the other hand, was confident and unafraid. I trusted that somehow I would end up right where I needed to be, doing what I needed to do.
2017 Hidden Heroes Gala
Getting hired by Mercy For Animals was one of those synchronistic events that makes you feel like the universe has got your back. I mean seriously. Every single person I work with is vegan, passionate about standing up for animals, and incredibly intelligent and creative. We support one another, and we genuinely care for each other. MFA is a family.
Do you mind if I brag a little about the progress Mercy For Animals has made in preventing cruelty to farmed animals and promoting compassionate food choices and policies? Thanks to thousands of kindhearted supporters, 2017 was a widely successful year. Through online content, literature, and one-on-one support, MFA inspired 1.7 million people to pledge to eat vegetarian. Taking full advantage of today’s technology, drone footage captured by the investigations team reached millions of viewers, helping to put the massive scale of factory farms in a clearer perspective. To improve the effectiveness of its animal advocacy, MFA conducted over a dozen research projects. And in Brazil and Mexico, nine policy commitments were secured with school districts, universities and social assistance programs, resulting in an estimated 26 million more vegan meals served per year.
The staff at MFA works hard but also knows how to have a great time. In September, everyone came together in their finest attire to host the annual Hidden Heroes Gala at Vibiana in Los Angeles. It was a beautiful evening punctuated by a star-studded VIP reception, a delicious four-course meal, and inspiring words shared by the undercover investigators being honored that night. The event raised over $1.8 million to further MFA’s lifesaving work!
Yes, these milestones are impressive, but the number of animals that continue to suffer on factory farms is staggering. Every year nine billion land animals are killed for food in the United States alone. Around the globe, this number moves upward to 56 billion animals — not even including fish or other sea animals. I don’t just admire MFA for its impact on the well-being of farmed animals. Above all, Mercy For Animals gives me hope.